After 3 days of the conference I was dead tired by this point, but I couldn't leave without seeing Times Square. I think I wore out the men too dragging them around that night. Somehow we lost Samuel, but he made it back to the hostel, so it's all ok.
Honestly, I didn't want to leave. The conference was amazing! (Thank-you to Dan Hunter and all the other wonderful people who made this possible.) I met too many way cool people to be able to list them all here, including many guildmates from TrN. The presentations were all very interesting, and a few of them even gave me some ideas to consider while I am checking out Taiwan. (My roommate Sarah was also very cool - it was like a 3 day slumber party!) Unfortunately, I had to miss out on the backchannel, but I will be fixing that by getting a netbook before my next conference.