Tuesday, August 25, 2015

#259 "Robots Building Robots" | Technophiles Podcast

Happy episode about robots and puppies, what more could you want?

Oh yeah, also, a little shout out to my new show/group The Misfit Monsters!

Friday, August 21, 2015

#257 "RIP HitchBOT" and social headphones

We get all social on this episode talking about headphones that share your tunes and the untimely demise of Hitchbot.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

#256 "Jeep Cherokee Hack" | Technophiles Podcast

Jeeps, hackers, time travel, and multiverses - what more could you possibly want?

In the first segment we discuss how easy it is becoming to hack cars while they are in use. After the break we dive into the theoretical science hole as we attempt to understand the results of an updated version of the double-slit experiment.

Can you change reality with your thoughts? Change the past? Let's find out!  

Friday, August 7, 2015

#255 "Searching the Deep Web with Memex" | Technophiles Podcast

This has been one of my favorite episodes to record so far. I go from serious academic in the first segment to squealing little kid by the end of the second. Also, the ladies really took over by the end too - enjoy!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Pluto Discoveries from New Horizons | Technophiles Newscast 094

Talking about New Horizons and Pluto - because sometimes you just have to jump on the bandwagon.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Just Like Legos!

OK, so not really Legos, but almost as cool, is this episode from Friday, July 24th about making roads from plastic. After the break we turn to the maybe creepy, maybe fun Google timeline feature, which I have already turned off.