Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Geek Class Cometh!

After months of work and waiting it is finally here - The Geek Class! Continue past the jump to find out why I am so excited and for a copy of the syllabus.

Long story short - this all started when a student emailed me saying that he would like to take a class on geeky subcultures, that I would be the person to teach such a class, and that I should include Steampunk. This was almost a year ago now, but I brought it up with my adviser, like you do when you are still a dissertator, and after a few drafts and meetings (he went to meetings, I wrote draft syllabuses) the time has come and the first class I have ever proposed is finally about to start.

Luckily, the class is almost full, so there is no worry of cancellation due to low enrollment (not that I was really worried about that) and I am getting requests all over Facebook and email for a copy of my syllabus, so here it is! (Personal and/or specific school info has been redacted.)

As a part of this class I am, in addition to other assignments, requiring my students to participate in a group/class blog you can find at NerdCulture. Commenting is open and I am also accepting guest posts that fit in with the weekly topics.*I am also considering a spring break free-for-all for post topics and extra credit possibilities.

* NerdCulture is still under construction. The first 2 posts will be by myself and guest blogger Patrick Tomlinson at the end of next week and students will be required to start posting in February.

1 comment:

  1. My own mantra has always been: dream > vision > goal > outcome > done, etc. etc. Now, you, Krista-Lee, has discovered that people can/must be trained to dream. Games, amongst other methods, are soooo important for developing one's "dreamabilities". Especially, nowadays. - Keep on dreaming, Matt.
